feb. 12 marks our last day in our respective offices here in lafayette, indiana. that weekend we have a junior high retreat in ohio so we will do that and then begin the move to valpo. we grew up in valpo so it will be nice in some ways to return home. we are definitely going to miss all of the friends we have made here and our home that we have come to love very much. however, God has called us to do something else and we need to respond....so we are.
with this transition comes a sense of excitment and joy but also a gut-wrenching worry and disappointment.
we will be helping out with a new church plant called GracePoint. we are thrilled to begin this experience. when we were in college we did a lot of service hours and were able to experience different types of churches with different ideas of how to be missional and to reach people for Jesus. we tried and had plenty of error to learn where God has given us passion and in what capacities we are truly gifted to serve. we prayed that someday God would use us in the capacity that we wanted to be used in and He has finally opened this door and said go. it has required a lot of faith, committment, and tears to get to this point....and we aren't quite there yet.
the head pastor at GracePoint is Ben Lamb. we have known him for about 11 years. he used to do something called '722' back in the day. it was nothing but worship for 2 straight hours and some of the best memories i have. so needless to say, we know ben and what he is all about. we are also looking forward to getting to know and doing some lifestuff with Daniel Doss and his wife Emily. they are incredible people!
we are pumped for the future and what it will hold. we are also excited to bring our friends along with us in our adventure. we will try and update/blog often about what we are feeling, thinking, and doing but in the mean time...
may the Lord bless and keep you. may His face shine upon you and be gracious. may the Lord turn His face to you and give you peace,
aaron & sonia
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